Hello October!
I’m always impressed at the speed of time. If you think time goes by fast now, my lesson learned is that it just goes by even faster each year you age. I can’t believe we’re well into Fall and approaching the winter season soon. To be honest, I am not excited for daylight savings, but time must go on. -- Stephanie
September was a month of embracing Fall. From acknowledging summer is truly over to celebrating mid-autumn festival, surprisingly Fall wasn’t as bittersweet as I’d imagined it to be and I actually had a (mostly) good month!
I caught up with people from different walks in my life and to be honest I thought it’d be a one-off catch up and then we won’t see each other again for another long period of time because that’s how it typically goes (lol) but that surprisingly wasn’t the case. I caught up with two friends from my time at Autodesk and while we clearly have changed since then, it’s so interesting to see how we are also able to continue this friendship in a new light. At one of our hangouts this month, we actually stumbled across a hidden gem, a random guy who had a typewriter and stand in the streets. The idea was simple, you pay him $10 and give him 5 words, and he’d write you a poem. We joked saying we’d give it a try, but then we actually went for it LOL and best $5 I spent. I just had to make this poem last so I will share it here:
The words he used couldn’t be more fitting. From a changing world to ‘what’s to be’ aka our friendship in the past and who we were when we met. But also ‘what’s to come’ because it has been 2 years and much has changed and things will only continue to change. IDK maybe I’m not even making sense anymore but when I read this poem I think of themes of growth, coming of age, fleeting yet sentimental memories. In a way, kind of like the summer that has left us but what’s to come with Fall. (lol maybe I really am not making sense anymore)
Aside from my friendship at autodesk, I was also able to catch up with Meghana! Crazy how we haven’t spoke for over 2 years and that study abroad was 2 years ago!! Gosh I miss being all around the world. We grabbed coffee and thrifted, which was a common hangout of ours at Manchester, it felt similar yet again also different today. Growth and change is an interesting phenomenon!
I don’t have too much to update yall on, on the work side. Except there was one incident I am very proud of myself for doing. In a 100+ all department meeting, my co-partner who was going to present was MIA, and I jumped off mute right on the spot and presented right then and there. Did I do well? Probably not the best presentation lol BUT I am so proud of myself for stepping in on the spot. That is all :’) I just kept thinking to myself that there are so many people in this room and that the MC is calling both our names, I could either pretend I’m not here or wait for time to pass (and make us look like no shows) or do it on the spot even if I didn’t plan or prep. Again, I do not think it was my best presentation at all, but I am glad I didn’t turn away and took it on then and there. No regrets!
As for family time, it has mostly been great. My dad is getting kinda old though and it shows. Crazy to see my parents in another aging light, I hope he feels better soon. I initially wanted to move out (and I still do at some point) but I’ve also really cherished my time with my parents even more so these months. Especially seeing them age. It’s funny, parents don’t want to miss their kids milestones when they’re young. Yet this month I kept experiencing something similar, seeing my parents age and not as physically fit, I thought to myself how I didn’t want to miss this time with my parents while they can still move the way they do. Strange how the world goes around!
I don’t have too explicit lows this month TBH. A part of me did feel empty and stuck because I didn’t feel like I was learning as much as I wanted to, but at the same time I’ve learned to embrace learning doesn’t HAVE to be in your current role and sought learning externally. Another low of mine this month is catching up with old friends and hearing them move out kind of made me feel fomo and want to move out too. But then countered with another low, seeing my dad not as healthy as he once was (and really hoping he gets better) made me realized I’m actually quite content living at home with my parents at this moment and wouldn’t want to miss out on being in their lives and spending time with them while they are still physically moving and can keep up with my pace. I think as we age into young adults, it’s also important to pay attention that our parents are also aging in a different way. Nowadays I sometimes see our roles reversed lol! Like me telling them to see the doctor when they do not feel well or to take medicine and sleep early. Funny how that was what they used to tell me as a kid.
Shoot your shot!
Other than improv, that work presentation situation taught me to always shoot your shot. Obviously I don’t think I did stellar and still feel kind of embarrassed lol but a couple people ping’ed me afterwards and told me thank you for stepping up for the team or that they didn’t expect me to speak up but I did good. And I think back to myself, had I not stepped up I think I would feel worse than embarrassed. So always shoot your shot!
Speaking of shooting your shot, I’ve been listening to the Women in Product Marketing podcast for a while now and I’ve always been too shy to reach out to the podcast host because she’s the host and she seems extra busy. But hey one day I decided to shoot my shot and she actually replied and we jumped on a call lol it was just a friendly informational call but I am glad she even responded. With that being said, I have also shooted many shots that led to nothing but the worst that ever really happened was just getting a no response which honestly is bad. I think the rewards outweighs the no responses. Something I learned especially this year as I grow older is that the worst feeling for me, is always regret or guilt of feeling like I didn’t do the best I could’ve. Shooting my shot even when the results are not the best, makes me feel better for trying the best I could at the time.
My pick of the month: Poem by @bbernthal
Okay I know I already posted this poem at the start of this post but I just had to make good use of it again! Also, it truly is the pick. Loving the beauty of the written word through this poem, and happy to cherish and savor it through this post :)
Thank you Ben for the beautiful words and memorable experience! Ben actually travels the world with his stand and typewriter, and writes stories/poems as he travels. Not sure if you all listening to my solo podcast episode this month, but that would totally be a dream goal of mine! To travel the world, hear people's stories, and get paid to write them... maybe one day!
And that is September for me y’all! Hello October, and we’ll talk again when it’s time for November.
Until November,